Aurelium Life OS
Skip endless hours of dashboard building and organize your entire life in just seconds
Vetted by 1000+ Notion email subscribers & 460+ Reddit upvotes, I spent months polishing and building the perfect Notion life operating system
Aurelium Includes
Taskpanel, Notepanel, Webpanel, Mobile Command, Central Command, Lifepanel, Monthly Review, Realms, Areas, Projects, Tasks, Daily Journal, Webclips, Notes, Identity Tracker, Books, Movies, Shows, and a comprehensive video guide on how to use everything
Reddit Post
This template assumes that you have some knowledge of relational & linked databases since all databases are already linked together. Also, since this template is massive and encompasses your entire life, we recommend that you upgrade to a paid Notion account so you don't run into any block limits
Lastly, since this is a digital product that gives you access to all the templates, this product is not refundable. The onus is on you to ensure that you learn Notion and relational databases. However, I have released many free Notion newsletter resources